Online Masterclass
How to Easily Capture 7 to 10 Cross-Sales Per Account, Even If You Think Your Staff Can't or Won't
For decades now, I’ve seen the statistics run along the same alarming, flat, line…cross-sales in banking AVERAGE…AVERAGE, just 2.2 per account! Let me spare you the complex math…That means MANY banks are below 2.2 cross-sales per account and some are above, but not far. On my all-new masterclass, you’ll discover how to rapidly increase your cross-sales (in just a few months).

Here's what we cover:

  • The Three "Can't Lose" Strategies for Tripling Cross-Sales.
  • One Very Common "Myth" That's Killing Your Cross-Sales.
  • The Bald-Faced Lie Your Staff is Telling THEMSELVES about their ability to sell (and why, if it feels like sales, they're doing it wrong).
  • The Cross-Sales "Trump Card" that uncovers opportunity where, at first, you thought there was none.
  • A Little-Known, Yet Ingenious Strategy for taking the focus off rate and getting prospects to tell you exactly what they value most so you can give them exactly that...and collect a premium fee for the effort.
  • A Quiet, Unobtrusive, Even Innocent Looking Way to Increase Your Cross-Sales, Even if You Think Your Staff Can’t or Won’t “Sell”.

YES! I Want to Know How to Increase My Cross-Sales!

“Since joining The
Emmerich Group just under
5 years ago, our average
cross sales have increased
from 1.7 to 5.16. Some of
our banks are well in
excess of 7.


Michael Schoepner
CEO & President
Landmark National Bank